Satoshi mo Daisuki

Welcome to this little site dedicated to D.N.Angel

I'm losing faith in the anime hence the lack of updates on this page. Actually I'm refusing to update this site now. Go somewhere else.

News flash
- D.N.Angel anime licensed in the US.
- D.N.Angel manga #9 will be out on July 17th
- There will be a PS2 game O_O

- information I found on animaxis about D.N.Angel Illustration [FEDER]. Price : 1300 yen, Width: 153mm, Height: 215mm, Depth: 7mm, Weight: 240g. and my friend told me FEDER is actually a German word for feather. From the look of it, it is different from the description on the official site somehow...

- Shine Interview
- manga information
- Anime episode 1 - Resurrection of Dark
- Anime episode 2 - Recollected Thoughts
- Anime episode 3 - Whispers of the Unicorn
- Anime episode 4 - In Between Light and Darkness
- Anime episode 5 - Double Cooking
- Anime episode 6 - St. White Memories
- Anime episode 7 - Adonis of the Garden of Oath
- Anime episode 8 - Menou's Advance Notice


last updated: July 24th, 2003
webmaster: koyar